The Basics of Capacitive Touch Screens

A touch screen is a combination of an input device and output device. Typically, the touch screen is typically layered over an existing digital image display of an integrated information processing system. While the system can be a tablet, laptop, or smartphone, the display is most commonly an LCD or LED screen. Touch screens have increased in popularity as touch screen technology improves, but they are far from perfect. Learn how to recognize problems with a touch screen, as well as common ways to use touch screens.
Touch screens can experience problems if there are not enough infrared beams from the base station. Touch screens are based on infrared beams, which allow them to detect one point of contact with the screen. If the infrared beam is blocked, the image clarity will be decreased. The amount of light that touches the screen will determine the resolution of the touch point and the greater the amount of light, the better the resolution.
Another problem with a touch screen occurs when a finger is placed on a conductive surface. A finger can contact either a conductive or non-conductive surface. If the surface is a non-conductive one, the electric field created by the touch point can damage the screen’s image clarity by pushing up against the conductive material. However, when the touch goes to a conductive surface, the electric field will push down on the sensitive area causing the image to be displayed. While this may seem odd, the conductive material is actually a very efficient conductor, and it is this efficient conductive layer that allow the electric field to push up against it and cause the damage.
In order to fix the damage caused by a bare finger, place the finger near the display where the finger is supposed to touch the touch screen. As the finger touches the surface, a temporary dip in the capacitance level occurs, causing a localized electric charge to form at the interface. This charge then jumps to the next layer, creating a more efficient electrical charge, which spreads throughout the capacitance layers, and finally to the display.
Touch screen technology is advancing quickly to incorporate multi-touch display systems, including resistive and capacitive eyesight technology. Resistive key technology uses two different technologies to create a finger sensitive display. The first touch screen uses a resistive element which has a metal contact with a soft substrate. When the user touches the screen using a finger, the substrate is activated, and a pixel is generated.
The second type of touch screen combines a capacitive element with a resistive element. When a finger is used to touch the screen, the capacitive element is triggered, and the user is prompted to either zoom in or out using the touch device. A similar system is the touch-to-zoom mechanism on resistive key pads. In this type of input device, a user is required to physically move their finger to manipulate the function keys. This type of device is popular for computer keyboards, as they are frequently used by office workers. For instance, some types of portable computers have a touch screen which allows the user to enter text, or to highlight certain words or sentences.
The touch screen technology used in tablet computers is increasingly becoming more advanced. Tablet PCs uses touch screens to allow the user to manipulate images or text on screen. New devices such as tablets or smartphones can also incorporate handwriting recognition software. The latest smartphone applications include handwriting recognition, which allows you to write on-screen. The device can be programmed to print specific texts, images or web pages. In the future, it is very likely that all touch screens will incorporate touch screen recognition software.
Touch screen technology is still in its relative infancy and there are a number of potential drawbacks. Touch screen technology works great if you have an extremely strong and accurate finger, but some users have difficulty using capacitive touch screens. Touch screen technology is also lagging behind other forms of computer hardware, especially in terms of power consumption. However, the use of capacitive touch screens will only become more widespread, affordable and available as new technologies become available.